New standard for formaldehyde in German wood materials
DIN EN16516
Note that all wood-based panel products exported to Germany, including painted and non-painted wood materials, must comply with the "German Chemical Prohibition Regulations" -Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung, Appendix 1 of ChemVerbotsV, with a limit of 0.1ml / m3 (European formaldehyde E1 level), this limit also applies to the entire furniture containing wood materials. As of January 1, 2020, the measurement of formaldehyde emissions must be based on the following two standard methods:
1.DIN EN 16516 (carrying capacity 1.8 m² / m³, air exchange rate 0.5 / h)
2.DINEN 717-1 (loading rate 1.0 m² / m³, air exchange rate 1.0 / h) Determine the equilibrium formaldehyde concentration value multiplied by 2.0
In November 2018, the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministeriumfür Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit, BMU), published in the Federal Register (Bundesanzeiger, BAnz AT 26.11.2018 B2), published DIN EN 16516 as "German Chemical New testing standards for formaldehyde emissions from painted and non-painted wood materials (climate box method) under the Prohibition Ordinance This standard allows the DIN EN717-1 method and the new method to be used simultaneously, but requires the equilibrium formaldehyde concentration value in DIN EN717-1 to be multiplied by 2.0. At the same time, methods such as EN ISO 12460 Part 3 are also allowed to be used for production control to establish correlations. The establishment of correlations is similar to the regulations in the US EPA TSCA title VI (not less than 5 sets of data).
According to published testing standards, the following methods are only valid until December 31, 2019:
i. German Federal Health Bulletin Bundesgesundheitsblatt 34,10 (1991), pages 488-499, as a method for the determination of formaldehyde in wood materials and finished wood materials;
ii. DIN EN 717-1-Wood-based panels-Determination of formaldehyde emission-Part 1: Climate box method as the indoor emission test standard for all wood materials;
iii. EN ISO 12460-3 Wood-based panels-Determination of formaldehyde emission-Part 3: Gas analysis method as a derivative method of raw plywood and paint decorative panels;
iv. EN ISO 12460-5 Wood-based panels-Determination of formaldehyde emission-Part 5: Perforation as a method of deriving particleboard and fiberboard.
Using DIN EN 16516 and DIN EN 717-1 (equilibrium formaldehyde concentration value multiplied by 2.0) for indoor formaldehyde emission measurement will take effect on January 1, 2020.